Board of Corporators: Impacting Change Through Data

Wednesday Nov 1st, 2023

Impacting Change Through Data. That was the topic discussed to a crowd of nearly 80 guests at the recent Briefing for United Way's board of corporators, funding and corporate partners. Jackie Bull, Assistant Principal, McKinley Elementary provided a comprehensive look at how utilizing data and the Community School Model together are working to overcome barriers and creating positive change, including significant academic growth, for students living in one of Erie’s poorest zip codes.

McKinley’s diverse student population as well as the number of students who are English Language Learners (15%) and students with Individualized Education Plans (16%) factor into the school culture where every student is welcomed and made to feel safe.

An example of data in action was the establishment of Community Circles in each classroom. This was a result of the school climate survey where students expressed that they struggled with feeling like they belonged in their classrooms and school. Community Circles develop a safe space for students to get to know each other, to learn from each other and to repair conflict or harm. These group activities allow every person to have a voice.  

McKinley Elementary School Mission Statement

We dedicate ourselves to cultivating a safe community that openly welcomes and inspires every person to be here, safe and kind.

McKinley Elementary School Vision Statement

McKinley students will continue to become safe, productive members of society by respecting others, showing empathy and confidently setting personal goals to achieve their full potential.