Emergency Food and Shelter Program

emergency food and shelterEmergency Food & Shelter Program Phase 41  Announcement

Applications will be available on the United Way website and will close at 5pm on November 5th, 2023 UnitedWayErie.org/efsp 

Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) is an annual FEMA-funded program. The purpose of this funding is to supplement and expand existing efforts to provide food, shelter, and other supportive services by local social service organizations. These funds will be granted to local organizations that meet program criteria and have submitted compelling applications.  

Erie County expects to receive approximately $145,000 in Phase 41 funding, based on past awards. While the official Erie County award amount has not yet been confirmed by the National Board, the local board will be starting the application process as noted belowThis is to ensure funds are made available to support emergency food and shelter needs in our community ASAP after the Erie County allocation amount is confirmed.  Applicants will have the opportunity to update their requested amounts after submission, if needed.   

Please refer to the EFSP website, https://www.efsp.unitedway.org, for additional details, requirements, and stipulations for how awardees can utilize funds. Further information is available at the federal website, https://www.fema.gov/grants/emergency-food-and-shelter-program 

The spending period for Phase 41 is January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.  

Who is eligible to apply?  

  • Local non-profit, faith-based, and governmental organizations 
  • Be eligible to receive and be able to manage federal funding  
  • Practice non-discrimination  
  • Have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and shelter programs and have a currently funded (non-EFSP) program for which they can receive supplemental funding from EFSP; funds may not be used to establish a new program  
  • Allowable costs:  
    • Shelter (hotel/motel), food, transportation, basic health and first aid, utilities, COVID-19 testing and associated medical care needed during quarantine and isolation, and other supportive services  
  • Have an accounting system  
  • Have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) 
    • Apply for FEIN – www.irs.gov 
    • Apply for UEI – agencies that had a DUNS previously should have been notified of the change and access to their UEI should have been provided  
      • Instructions will be provided to agencies that need to get a UEI  
  • Have a voluntary board  
  • Be prepared to adhere to all requirements and guidance provided by both the Nation EFSP and the Local Board  

Please refer to the EFSP website, https://www.efsp.unitedway.org, for additional details, requirements, and stipulations for how awardees can utilize funds. Further information is available at the federal website, https://www.fema.gov/grants/emergency-food-and-shelter-program 


The Emergency Food and Shelter Program was created by Congress to help meet the needs of hungry and homeless people throughout the United States and its territories by allocating federal funds for the provision of food and shelter. 

The program is governed by a National Board composed of representatives of the American Red Cross; Catholic Charities, USA; The Jewish Federations of North America; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA; The Salvation Army; and United Way Worldwide. The Board is chaired by a representative of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 

Communities that receive Emergency Food and Shelter Program allocations are required to convene a local board that mirrors the national board and that also includes representatives from local government. Local boards coordinate grant processes to subgrant the federal funds to local organizations. 

Program funds are used to provide the following in Erie County: 

  • Emergency food 
  • Hotel/motel vouchers 
  • Rent or mortgage payment assistance 
  • Utility bill payment assistance 

If you have any questions, concerns or issues about the Emergency Food and Shelter Program or would like clarity regarding the local board's timeline, please contact Jessica Belousov at Jessica@unitedwayerie.org. 

To Apply 

The applications are now available online and the following items will be due Sunday, November 5th, 2023 by 5pm.  

  • Notification of your intent to apply for this funding 

  • Download the current Phase application forms which include: 
    EFSP Agency Form

    LRO Form

    Budget Form
    ***LRO, Budget and 990 forms can be submitted in conjunction with Agency Form***
  • Current Phase application(s):



    Utility Assistance

    ***Assistance or questions relating to the completion of the application or the current Phase application process should be emailed to Jessica Belousov at Jessica@unitedwayerie.org***