2023 NNO Mini-Grant Event Report Form

2023 NNO Mini-grant event report form

The purpose of this form is to provide a final report on the outcomes of the funds provided for the 2023 National Night Out Mini-Grant Event Process. Please respond to the following questions accordingly. Receipts and the Post-Event Report Form are due on August 31. Follow-up will be made with funded organizations to submit required reporting. Please contact Damali Donovan at damali@unitedwayerie.org with any questions. Thank you! 

Please rate National Night Out in your community in the following categories.

Media coverage
Neighborhood participation
Improving police/community relations
Heightening awareness
Boosting neighborhood spirit
Enlisting new volunteers
Weather conditions
Do you feel your area will participate in National Night Out next year?
Have you enclosed (optional) photos, news clips, proclamations, etc.?